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MPUA offers Municipal, Associate, and Energy Associate membership options. To join MPUA, please complete the appropriate membership application type found under the descriptions below. Contact MPUA with all your membership questions at 573-445-3279.


Municipal Membership 

Any municipally-owned utility may apply for membership in MPUA. All members of MPUA are considered members of MAMU and are entitled to services and expertise provided by MAMU, the Missouri Electric Commission (MEC) and the Missouri Gas Commission (MGC). Each municipal member is represented on the Board of Directors.


Many services are available to all members without cost, and a variety of other programs are available on a fee basis. All members receive timely news and information through the quarterly Alliance Advantage magazine and other publications. Contact the MPUA office for current dues information.

Full membership in the Electric or Gas Commission requires execution of a Joint Agreement, but there is no additional membership fee. 


Associate Membership

Associate Membership in MPUA is available to companies and organizations. MPUA’s Associate Members are a valuable resource for MPUA municipal utility members. Utilities gain awareness of the products and services you provide through promotion in MPUA outreach outlets, directory listings, event sponsorships, face-time at trainings, and at our annual conference. We encourage municipal utility members to utilize your expertise to strengthen their systems, plan for the future, and improve their services. Your MPUA membership provides valuable connections with more than 120 municipal utilities.  


Associate Member dues are currently $600 per year for the standard level. For more interaction opportunities at a reduced price, consider our value-added membership packages.


Energy Associate Membership

Energy Associate Membership is a category of Associate Membership reserved for those in the business of energy marketing services. Energy Associate member dues are $1,220 per year and include two complimentary Annual Conference and golf tournament registrations. Consider additional value-added membership packages to save money on extra promotions and additional opportunities to interact with MPUA's municipal utility staff members. 


Delivering industry-leading solutions, robust advocacy, and collaboration to advance local excellence, local control, and local benefit.

Contact Us

2200 Maguire Blvd,
Columbia MO, 65201

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