CWEP receives national award for community service
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Reprint from APPA news release (6/11/24):
CWEP receives national award for community service
San Diego, California, June 11, 2024 — Carthage Water and Electric Plant received an American Public Power Association Sue Kelly Community Service Award during the American Public Power Association’s National Conference in San Diego, California. The award recognizes “good neighbor” activities that demonstrate the commitment of the utility and its employees to the community. CWEP celebrated its 125th year of service in 2023. To commemorate the anniversary, the public power utility hosted an ice cream social where 800 residents enjoyed ice cream, live music, and bucket truck rides. During 2023, CWEP also co-hosted Carthage’s first Earth Day celebration, helped power the city’s “Food Truck Fridays,” and offered myriad Public Power Week activities, including power plant tours and a coloring contest entered by 1,400 local elementary school students. Each October, the utility also helps host the city’s week-long Maple Leaf Festival, which featured the festival’s first touch-a-truck event in 2023. CWEP puts on an Electrical Safety Day for local fifth graders every March, where lineworkers provide a demonstration to more than 400 students. These investments in the community have helped the utility cultivate a customer satisfaction rate of nearly 90 percent. ###